
This blog was made so that I can keep track of what motivates me torwards the many goals I have for myself. For example, one of my goals is to start writing poems again so I will post them here. I have had many people say that writing things down helps with stress, and helps to remind us what our priorities are, where we want to go in life, and how we want to go about things. I have recently came out in public with the one important goal in my life, and it has helped me tremendously. Now i'm more motivated then ever to get healthy. I figured if simply writing in a public space about something important to me gets me motivated and stay focused, then writing about other things going on in my life will help me too. So heres to writing! :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

One of my biggest "pet peeve's"

One of the things that really get to me, is to see someone taking things for granted. Its that kind of annoyance where you know you cant change that person's mind about it, but you really wish you could. For example, seeing someone be grouchy one their day off. Whats rediculous is that same person was probably saying all week "I cant wait till the weekend!". Then the weekend comes and they wake up, and decide that they will complain about little things and be blah all day when really, arent they just wasting the time they worked all week for? I get that people are allowed to use their days off however they want, and they can be whatever they want whether its happy or sad. But why the latter? Why not make the best of the freedom days from work, and lets little things just come and go? I used to think that my way of thinking was childish. That when I sit here and think that you should enjoy every minute of every day, that Im not being realistic. But why is it unrealistic? It isnt. Its taking nothing for granted, and that includes every minute of every day. I dont want to sit around and be grouchy knowing Ill never get those minutes back. And when life is as short as it is, why take life for granted? Im not naive, I know that life throws fast balls at us, I know that sometimes theres bumps in the road, and I know that some days its just "one of those days". I also know that some people say "Its not that easy". Its your life, arent things as easy as you make them? Why not make the best of it? Why let the bad things consume you and take your life away? Because thats what its doing, taking your life away. Life is made up of years, months, days, weeks, hours, minutes. When you let things that "didnt go your way" consume minutes or hours, its consuming your life. I live by rules like "never take life for granted", and I think that I always will live life that way. Shit happens, boss's will be jerks, coworkers will get on your nerves, spouses will stress you out, cars that cut you off will tick you off, but think about how big life is and how many things there are to do in the world. Those little things that happen through out your day are so minor compared to the big picture. Im sorry for venting, but this is how I see things and I dont understand how its hard for others to live by my rule, and enjoy life to its fullest.

I want to live life knowing I did all that I could to bring enjoyment in my life, and I want to die thinking of all the moments I didnt take for granted, and instead made memories that are priceless.


  1. Silly Christina. Your rule is the way many others see it, just as the way the person who has a rough time is accompanied by many like them. However, no two people will ever have the same thought process as another so the rule varies within each person.

    Also, don't be sorry for venting! It's YOUR blog :D Hehe - I know I have my rants on mine too.

    You have a good outlook on your life though. Keep it up :)

  2. It was a vent more torwards the hubby at the time lol. He wasnt being himself and it was really irking :P
